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Pop Art Text Effects: Tips and Tricks to Make Your Text Stand Out with Pop Art Style


Now that you've learned how to make a 3D Blend Text Effect, you can freely edit the text by double clicking on it, change the color, position and size and the Blend effect will still be applied without making the whole process again.

A fancy animated underline using text clipping. The text uses background-clip: text and a linear-gradient background to be bi-color. We get around animating the gradient by animating the background-position instead. We have to use a wrapper element for having the underline highlight under the text since the text color is already the background!

Pop Art Text Effects

A recreation of the Western Electric Big Button phone produced in the 1970s. Recreated using flexbox, grid, text shadows, and text strokes. This pen encountered several CSS quirks. First, is that setting a border-radius and overflow: hidden breaks anti-aliasing on the border-radius, leaving a jagged appearance. This was worked around a bit by adding a very soft light box-shadow on the side that has the border-radius. This alleviates the problem somewhat. Second, text-stroke is still crudely implemented in browsers. All text strokes are drawn on the outside of the glyph which changes the shape of the glyph. Additionally, text shadows are sized using the inside of the glyph and end up smaller. To work around this, I oversized the text-stroke and then tried to position each glyph so that the stroke slightly overflowed the container and was cut off. This gives a smoother appearance, but is imprecise and cuts a few of the characters off.

Most of your Word documents are likely set in standard, drab Times New Roman or Calibri typography, perhaps with the occasional cheesy Word Art thrown in for variety. Yet Word actually includes a number of text effect tools that give you everything you need to make beautiful art from your words.

Now you know how to always be able to set a page Size. Set the size to A4and the Orientation to Landscape. Your page is now set up the way you'll want for your custom Word text effect art, and you'll know how to tweak it again next time.

Now, it's time to add your text and start tweaking it. Type anything you want, select the text, and pick the font and size you want. Most of the text effects look best in large sizes, so don't be afraid touse either the Increase Font Size buttonor the font size drop-down menu to make the text really big.

If the maximumvalue of 72 pt is not enough, type in any number you want, for example250 pt (only type the number). You can also use non-integer values, such as 198.5, if you want to get the largest possible text without wrapping.

It is important to know that the kerning also has to be enabled this way for every text box in the document. If you accidentally or on purpose delete everything in your document(Control-A > Delete), the kerning is again turned off.

Before we start adding our own text effect, let's briefly take a look what Word offers us in the Text Effect and Typography drop-down menu on the Home tab on the ribbon. There are 15 pre-defined text effects with different outlines, fills, and shadow effects, and some of the presets also include 3D effects. The colors of those presets always reflect the selected color theme.

This is nice, but unfortunately there's no way to adjust those presets. The items in this list cannot be edited or deleted, and you cannot add new presets. Those 15 presets can be helpfulif you need a nice looking header and you only have two minutes of your time, but you will learn nothing new about the texteffects just by using them.

The text can be placed in a document in two different ways. The usual way is to create a new document and start typing. We can call this type of text "body text". While the text effects can be added to this body text quite easily, they are limited, and thus using body text is not a preferred option.

The second way is to use a Text Box object and write into this text box. To insert a new Text Box, select Insert > Shapes > Text Box, and draw a new text box the same way you draw for example a rectangle.

The text placed inside a textbox has several advantages. It can be moved around the document freely withoutany restrictions (even off the document or over the margins), and it can berotated. Moreover, some additional text effects like the 3D rotate options areavailable.

Before we move on, remember there is only one Format Pane,but the content of this pane changes depending on the selected content. It'sdifferent for the text box, for body text, and for an image.

To make the text a little bit more interesting, we will also add an outline. Change the TextOutline from No Line to Solid Line, raise the Width to a bigger number,for example 3 pt, and change the Color to white.

The outline is nice, but toostrong. We can open the Compound Type drop-down menu and select Double, whichwill split the outline into two: one visible over the text, and one outside thetext. To get rid of the ugly joins, change the Join type to Round instead of the default Bevel.

With the text boxstill selected and the Format Pane still open, switch to the Text Effectstab. As a first effect, we will add a simple drop shadow below the text. Openthe Shadow effect properties, and from the presets drop-down menu, select Outer:Offset Bottom. Because the page background color is quite dark, the effect isquite subtle, which is fine, and probably does not need any additional tweaking.

When sharing yourdocument with your friends, you can choose between two main formats: the Wordnative .docx, or Adobe Acrobat .pdf file. The document saved in .docx formatkeeps the effects fully dynamic, but depending on the effects used, the otherperson often needs to have the latest version of Microsoft Word installed.Otherwise, the document can look different (and most likely ugly).

The biggest advantageof the document saved in a .pdf format is that it will look exactly the same onevery device, in any application. However, you lose the ability to edit thetext effects, and probably also the ability to edit the text. Microsoft Wordcan export as well as import the .pdf files, but the ability to edit the text with the applied effects is in most cases lost. For more information, please read this helpful tutorial:

You can also create the 3D text object using the Effect > 3D > Extrude & Bevel option or Blend option. For more details, see Create 3D objects. Creating 3D object using these options is quicker, but you may experience precision trade-offs.

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